Griffin and Annabelle

Meet Griffin and Annabelle.


Griffin is the middle son of the Johnson clan that has claimed their piece of the Alaskan backcountry for 3 generations, blah, blah, blah. He has heard the stories so many times at family gatherings, he can recite them word for word. He wants to make his own mark in the world get out of the shadow of his older brother who seems to fulfill every single one of their father’s hopes and dreams.

At 22, he is a grown ass adult and wants to be treated as such. Griffin is a skilled carpenter, working on construction jobs since he was 15. He is itching to branch out and start his own business making custom furniture. Enough money has been saved to make the trip to Bozeman, MT and start his own life, with his own rules and expectations.

There is just one thing holding him back. Annabelle. His sweet Annabelle Walker. She is still 19, and her parents won’t let her leave the homestead until she turns 20. She is the reason Griffin breathes each day and has for the last 3 years. What they have is true love, and Griffin can’t wait to marry her and start their own family. Annabelle is a superb baker (thinking of her cinnamon rolls right now). She is going to open a bakery in Bozeman and call it Northern Exposure.


Annabelle is counting the days til her birthday, no the minutes. The second she turns 20, she and Griffin are getting married and moving out of this place!

Here we come Bozeman with REAL culture, REAL shopping, REAL LIFE! No more canning every single thing they eat, no more sleeping so dang close to every

single one of her siblings in their tiny homestead house that they made themselves, no more eating elk, deer and fish 6 days a week. Cannot wait to see the

big city with all the lights and people and cars and buildings. The first place they are going is to I-Ho's Korean Grill. Bring on Korean food!!

And, can she tell you about Griffin?!?!! Griffin is EVERYTHING you would want in a boyfriend. He is kind, patient and so thoughtful. For their first date, he

brought her wildflowers and a chocolate bar he knew she would like. What a guy! He has been so supportive in her plans to start her own bakery. Yeah, she

may have to work at an established one to start, but they both know she is good enough to get her storefront sooner than later. She knows she is young

and has to learn a lot about owning and running her own business, but after growing up taking care of her younger siblings and watching her mom and dad

run the local food/supply store (that feature her baked goodies), she is confident in her skills.

Oh, back to Griffin. Did she tell you about what he looks like without his shirt on??? Cutting wood without his shirt on??????? I mean, you would be crazy

to not fall in love with the guy. And he is going to be such a good dad. Imagining him with a little one on his shoulders is even more reason to get this party

started. Come on birthday. How is she supposed to wait 3 more weeks???

Thanks for indulging me with these two young, naïve lovebirds. They make me happy.



