
Bonnie and Brian met in the training room at Montana State.
Brian tore his ACL at the beginning of his sophomore year, and Bonnie was there each day when he came in to do his rehab.

Bonnie would love to go back to those days. The simpler times when they’d walk to class together and rib each other about the other’s roommates.

She really can’t complain about her life now though. She always believed in Brian’s work ethic, but she never would have dreamed that he would have been drafted to the NFL. And now they lived in Las Vegas. Hot, dry and concrete. The lights and the people, constant. The ‘wives and girlfriends’ brunches and shopping days that require pantyhose and spanx are so outside her comfort zone.
She will follow Brian anywhere as he chases his dreams. They both know the average life cycle of an NFL player is not long, and they are making the most of it.
They have a plan for when Brian is done…whenever that is. They are moving back to Montana where Brian will coach high school football and Bonnie will work with the minor league baseball team.
She loves the life they live now and is so grateful for the opportunity, but her Montana mountains are calling her name.



