
Polly has a habit of never being able to find her car keys. Her dad got her one of those find your keys devices, but she keeps forgetting to set it up.

And it’s really no wonder she can’t find them. Her apartment is what Marie Kondo would call a ‘before photo.’ It is a total mess. Her 90’s dance music CD collection is sprawled out over her living space floor because last night she was trying to find that one song she used to love to dance to at the club.

These are next to her tea set collection which is featured on the antique bookshelf she got while thrifting last year.

And this is being kind. Her walls are overfilled with knock knacks and things she couldn’t go without on her weekly trip to the flea market. 

If Polly could do anything with her days it would be thrifting and dancing. And she is lucky enough to do those things at least twice a week.



