
Ellis is free.

This is what was repeated as he sat across from his now ex-wife, Stefani, at the divorce lawyer’s office.

He is free. Free from his parents expectations of what they felt like his life should look like. Free from the pressure of that blasted woman he shared a house with and the expectations of what she thought her life should look like. Free. Free. Free.

Yeah, he was rigid with the divorce proceedings. He earned everything he got in the agreement. They were never a good match in any real way. Sure, they looked good at the parties his parents always invited them to. Stefani was always perfectly put together, and he did his part with khakis and plaid shirts.

He pulled into the driveway and swore he never drive this Audi again. It wasn’t him. This life wasn’t him.

2 hours later, he had his 1991 Jeep Waggoner packed up. He was adamant with his wife that he wouldn’t get rid of his beloved car and is now feeling even better about that decision.

Donning his Chacos he got years ago and never wore, he marveled at his sickly white toes. Seriously, when’s the last time he was outside?

He pulled out of the neighborhood he called home for the past 6 years without a backward glance.

He headed west to start fresh. New job, new energy, new Ellis. He is free. He is free.



